
The procedure for a complaint.

In the event a client or applicant lodges a written appeal regarding any application or certification-related decision, or complaint about the staff of AW Test Inc. or its activities related to the certification process, or a dispute arises, the Managing Director will form a Review Panel, hereinafter referred to as the Panel. No member of the Panel shall have a direct interest in the subject of the appeal, complaint, or dispute in any form. The Managing Director serves as the chairperson of this Panel and documents the fact that all members of the Panel, including him/herself, are free from any financial, commercial or any other pressures that might influence the results of the process. The Managing Director will make the company lodging the appeal, complaint, or dispute aware of this fact.

This Panel will review the appeal to determine its validity or review the complaint or dispute to substantiate its content. If valid or substantiated, the Panel will proceed with the review process, and make the company lodging the appeal, complaint, or dispute aware of the timeline for the review process. Submission, investigation, and decision on complaints/disputes/appeals shall not result in any discriminatory actions against the complainant. Upon receipt of the written notification, the Managing Director will acknowledge receipt to the sender and convene the Panel as soon as is possible.

If requested by members of the Panel, the staff involved in the event or audit of a company shall provide relevant information. The provision of information will be without prejudice toward all others.

Panel members shall have an obligation of confidentiality concerning anything that might come to their knowledge during their function on this Panel, regarding the certified company or applicant. They have the right to consult experts and to take all measures and make all provisions, including the convening of one or more sessions, deemed for a sound judgment.

All communications regarding the appeal, complaint or dispute must be documented and kept in the appropriate Appeal/Complaint/Dispute file on the AW Test Inc. Intranet site. Members of the Panel are bound by all applicable policies and procedures as documented in AW Test Inc.’s procedures. The Panel decides on the appeal, complaint, or dispute by a majority of votes and the Managing Director informs the parties concerned, in writing, of the judgment including the rationale for the decision, and any subsequent corrective actions required if applicable. The judgments of the Panel are considered binding. The Managing Director shall follow up to ensure that any recommended corrective actions have been taken and are effective, according to the Corrective Action procedures. The decision to be communicated to the complainant shall be made by or reviewed and approved by AW Test Inc. personnel not previously involved in the subject of the complaint.

Individuals or another company that becomes aware of a certain practice employed by a certified company may contact AW Test Inc. to file a complaint about the certified company. In these instances, several steps will occur:

  1. the complaint will be passed on to the certified company and they will be asked to take appropriate action to address the complaint; and
  2. a record of the complaint will be saved on the AW Test Inc. Intranet site and entered the Complaint/Appeal/Dispute Log.
  3. AW Test Inc. shall determine, together with the certified client and the complainant, whether and, if so to what extent, the subject of the complaint and its resolution shall be made public.

Upon receipt of a complaint, the quality manager confirms complaints and appeals with complainants and appellants for receipt, classifying them as “justified” or “non-justified” based on basic data and facts.

For those non-justified complaints and appeals, the quality manager communicates with customers and replies to customers in writing. For those justified ones, the quality manager promises the customer the investigation to be done and the feedback time.

If the complainant/appellant is not satisfied that the complaint/appeal/dispute has been addressed, they may file a complaint or appeal to the accreditation body.

Type of issue *
Please choose between a complaint and a dispute